Abstract: E Money Network - Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Finance and Web3

E Money Network is the world's FIRST MiCA Compliant Modular blockchain. It serves as an L1 blockchain designed for seamless interoperability between DeFi 2.0 and RWA tokenization, effectively establishing a network that bridges the liquidity divide between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

The E Money Network ecosystem offers services like RWA tokenisation, launchpads, borrowing/lending, and on-chain credit scoring. Unlike traditional methods, E Money Network builds a modular foundation with identity, compliance, ownership, and custody proofs.

E Money Network aims to facilitate the tokenisation of Real World Assets (RWA), contributing to the projected $10 Trillion+ market by 2030. It will play a pivotal role in combining the power of digital assets with the immense potential of the RWA market.

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